The Plan Process

Getting started

We clarified the need for a Neighbourhood Plan, publicised our intention to produce a Neighbourhood Plan, identified and contacted key local partners, produced a project plan, and discussed our proposals with Portsmouth City Council.


Establishing a Neighbourhood Area & Neighbourhood Planning Forum

We put together our proposals for the area to be covered by the Neighbourhood Plan and for the membership and constitution of our prospective Neighbourhood Planning Forum.
We submitted our proposals for a Neighbourhood Area and Forum to Portsmouth City Council on the 30th March 2015.


Community Engagement & Involvement

Once Portsmouth City Council has formally agreed our proposals for a Neighbourhood Area and Neighbourhood Planning Forum we will begin publicising the plan process and engaging with the local community to identify the broad themes and areas that our plan should cover.


Building the Evidence Base

We will review the existing evidence on development issues in Milton, identify any gaps in our evidence to allow us to compile new evidence, and analyse the evidence to consider policy areas for the Milton Plan.


Themes, Aims, Vision, Options

We will identify the key issues and themes from our initial community engagement and evidence gathering.
We will then prioritise these issue and themes to help us to develop the key aims of the Milton Plan and consider what options are open to us within the neighbourhood planning process to address these points.


Writing the Milton Plan

Once we have identified the key issues and themes for the Milton Plan to consider we will be able to develop policies, proposals and site allocations. We will need to consider the sustainability of proposals, the diversity and equality of our community, and the deliverability of our plan.



Once we have a draft of the Milton Plan we will consult with the local community and consider any changes or improvements to the plan that are suggested.



Once the Neighbourhood Planning Forum is satisfied with the plan we can submit it to Portsmouth City Council for consideration.


Independent Examination

Portsmouth City Council will then appoint an independent examiner to consider the plan and ensure that it is consistent with the wider City Plan.



Subject to the examiner’s report, the plan will then be put to local referendum to agree the proposals.


Plan in action…

Once agreed by referendum, Portsmouth City Council makes the Milton Plan part of the City Plan – giving it a legal effect over all development in the area.