The Milton Neighbourhood Forum is run by a committee of local residents on behalf of the community working together to make Milton

a better place to work and live and to have a say in the future of our neighbourhood.

We produce and distribute a Milton Matters magazine three times a year.

Anyone working or living in the plan area is automatically a member of the Forum,

At a Referendum in October 2022, the residents voted by 87% to approve the Neighbourhood Plan giving us more control in the future of Milton,

Portsmouth City Council are now obliged to consult with us on planning applications in our area. 

We are also involved in how the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is spent in our area.

Our mission and purpose are described in the Milton Neighbourhood Constitution.

More details on the Plan, CIL and the Constitution can be seen using the “drop down Menu”

You may contact us at secretarymiltonnpf@gmail.com