The Planning Forum

The Milton Neighbourhood Planning Forum* is a group of local residents, councillors and businesses that have come together to work with our local community to produce a neighbourhood plan for our area.

*(N.B. The Milton Neighbourhood Planning Forum should not be confused with the Milton Neighbourhood Forum which is a consultative body established by Portsmouth City Council. Whilst some of the members of the ‘planning’ forum are also members of the ‘general’ forum they are separate bodies.)


The “vision” of the Forum is to sustain the community of Milton, its green and spacious character and its protected shoreline through appropriate development which benefits the people who live, work or study in the area, now and in the future.


The objectives of the Forum are:

  • To prepare, in partnership with the local planning authority, a neighbourhood plan for the area.
  • To meet the needs and aspirations of the Milton community by safeguarding the Neighbourhood against unsustainable development in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and in general conformity with the strategic policies of the development plan.
  • To promote balanced and integrated land-use patterns for the social, economic and environmental wellbeing of the Neighbourhood.
  • To conserve and enhance the green and spacious character of the locality as described in the Portsmouth City Council Planning Document Urban Characterisation Study.
  • To protect and improve the locally, nationally and internationally designated nature conservation areas and open spaces, in accordance with the Local Plan.
  • To ensure new development in the Neighbourhood is adequately supported by the necessary infrastructure in accordance with the Local Plan and the NPPF.
  • To foster community engagement in future spatial planning and enhance civic pride.